Power Americas Resource Group Retains Integrity Media for Investor Relations and Corporate Communication

Integrity Media has over two decades of experience working in public markets in the U.S. and Canada and is led by its Founder & President, Kurt Divich. One of the premier financial copywriters in the industry, Divich is twice published in fiction and non-fiction with a third commissioned work in progress. Mr. Divich has consulted and provided Investor Relations services to public companies ranging from industry leaders and American icons like Smith & Wesson to emerging equities like Power Americas Resource Group.

“Integrity Media is a respected and established Investor Relations firm that is known for its clear and articulate communications efforts and in its consistent practice of advocating for transparency and the well-being of investors,” stated Mark Croskery, CEO, Power Americas Resources Group. “In our early conversations with Mr. Divich it was clear that he sees Integrity Media’s role as an agent of the Company and its shareholders. It’s exactly what we were looking for.

“At last, we are ready to begin to tell our story to the market and the media,” added Croskery. “We are confident that Integrity Media is the right firm to carry our narrative and to keep us connected to current and prospective shareholders.”

“I am very pleased to join the team at Power Americas Resource Group and to assist Mr. Croskery and his colleagues as they execute a very unique business plan,” stated Divich. “I am intrigued by what Power Americas is doing as it’s a compelling blend of innovation and scale. It is not often you see something so potentially market disruptive in such a massive market opportunity.

“The investing public should expect to be kept apprised of corporate events as they materialize for PARG and to be able to send an email or pick up the phone and get an honest answer to their questions,” added Divich.”

Kurt Divich

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