Spring is known for it’s unpredictable weather. One minute it’s warm and sunny, the next it’s dark and stormy. There might even be a few cold and icy days thrown in here and there. You never know what's around the corner!
The good news? No matter how bad the weather gets, your home and belongings will always be protected! But many of my clients want to know what they should do if they have storm damage to their roof. Here’s my advice:
First, assess the damage. Once the storm has passed and it’s safe to do so, go outside and take a look around your property. Has a tree dropped a large limb on your roof? Are there shingles on the ground? Did the fence blow down? The majority of the time, the damage is pretty minimal, but you’ll want to take a good look.
You’ll also want to take a quick walk through the house and check for any dripping water inside your home. Do you see water spots on the ceiling? Make note of anything out of the ordinary you find.
Sometimes it can be difficult to know if your roof is damaged after a hail storm or high winds. If you see missing shingles or have a water leak, you’ll definitely want to call us. But if you aren’t sure, there are still a few things you can do to check it out.
First consider having a roofer come out to take a look. Most roofing companies will offer to come to your home and do a free evaluation and estimate of your damage. This will allow you to find out IF the roof is damaged and how severe it is. If the damage is minimal, you might prefer to wait until a later time to look into repairs. The roofer should be able to advise you on the best course of action.
Please make sure to contact a reputable local roofing company that is established in town and reliable. Don't agree to do work with just anyone who knocks on your door after a storm!
(And remember, do not authorize the roofer to begin any repairs until you’ve spoken with your insurance company and an adjustor has been out to review the damage.)
If you feel that the roof is damaged and you might need to file a claim, then it's time to take a look at your deductible. The deductible is the amount out of pocket that you'll pay toward the roof repairs. You'll want to make sure that the damage and repair costs exceeds your deductible amount before you file the claim. If you're unsure, just give us a call and we'll look up your policy details.
Once you file a claim, the insurance company will send a claims adjuster out to look at the roof. He'll examine the damage and issue your repair payment. (This is why it's important to wait before starting any repairs until the roof has been examined by the insurance company.) The adjustor will then walk you through the claim process from this point forward.
Remember, as your agent, we are here to help YOU. If at any point you are concerned about that to do next, who to call, or just need advice, pick up the phone and give us a call. We’ll do our very best to guide you through the process and make it simple and pain free!
And if you're currently shopping for home insurance, give us a call today for a free quote! We'll make sure you have the right coverage to keep your home protected.